Is it possible to create a strong iGaming brand and build a successful business without players? The answer is obvious. Of course, this is impossible. That is why now the market is fighting for each player. Operators do everything to create a recognizable style, draw attention to their brand, encourage customers to visit an online casino or bookmaker.
Casino owners should also pay due attention to the promotional and gamification tools they will use to achieve their goals.
The jackpot aggregator is an innovative software product. It represents the Jackpot-as-a-service (JaaS) business model. Thanks to the jackpot aggregator, you can competently and comprehensively manage a campaign for drawing big wins.
Jackpot Aggregator provides its users with a highly customizable virtual jackpot system. At the same time, you do not need to install any servers or configure equipment. Everything you need (installation and configuration of software) specialists will do in just 48 hours.
At the same time, the software can be integrated into any iGaming project, such as game providers, online casinos, game aggregators, etc.
How many players, so many opinions. Therefore, in order to attract the target audience, it is very important to pre-segment it.
Because it is quite difficult to reach the entire audience of players at once with the help of a single advertising campaign.
Using Jackpot Aggregator’s segmentation feature, operators can categorize their players based on various criteria and develop customized jackpot campaigns for each group.
Through a personalized approach to the jackpot aggregator, you can significantly increase the effectiveness of advertising campaigns/
The aggregator allows you to get jackpot templates. This is a comprehensive solution for organizing a jackpot advertising campaign. Operators can use the template as it is or change the settings to develop a unique campaign. It all depends on the opinion of the developers of the online institution.
The opportunity to win the biggest win, of course, is what attracts players, encourages them to visit online casinos, to be active, to bet on money again and again.
The thrill of anticipating a big jackpot always stirs up the interest of users.
A captivating game story and a significant jackpot pool are valuable “elements” for active players, whose attention is becoming increasingly difficult to capture and hold.
Increasing the competitiveness of the brand, attracting new players, engaging active bettors and increasing the revenue stream are the strategic goals of any casino. A jackpot aggregator can help you achieve them.
Now it is clear why the developers of any brand are trying to “tame” this technology and use it in their own interests.
So, the jackpot aggregator allows you to achieve the following goals:
Jackpot campaigns are another integral part of the brand’s business model, which directly affects the profitability of the establishment. Jackpot Aggregator provides a comprehensive and in-depth analysis of all the actions that customers take in real time. Quick and comprehensive access to information is essential for the operator. Based on this information, you can implement the most winning strategies.
Increasing the profit of online establishments
The most effective practice for attracting players is jackpot campaigns. Thanks to them, the developer can direct traffic to a specific segment of games or a specific casino game. This helps to maintain the profitability of specific games or providers, especially if you pay attention to effective advertising.
Stimulate the growth of the number of rates and their total significance.
Of course, the possibility of winning attracts players to the institution, so they bet more often and more. Jackpots also contribute to expected gaming behavior (bet size, active time, etc.).
Diversify the brand’s market offering
Online casino developers are well aware that in order not to burn out, you need to “put your eggs in different baskets”. Jackpot on certain slots or games of certain brands is an opportunity to diversify your business.
Possibility of scaling the advertising campaign.
With the Jackpot Aggregator, operators can combine several of their projects into a single jackpot campaign. Why is it beneficial? It’s all about advertising interest and the ability to combine more players in one game, where there is an opportunity to hit the jackpot. The larger the jackpot campaign, the more opportunities the operator has.
Jackpots can be:
Local jackpot campaigns can be used to test the interest of the players and direct the attention of participants to a specific segment of games.
Developers create global jackpots in order to combine several projects into a single campaign.
Jackpot is an effective business and marketing tool to increase the online casino owner’s income and brand awareness.
What advantages make a jackpot aggregator a truly exceptional and valuable instrument?
Creating and promoting a brand is a real challenge for operators. The sphere of gambling is quite thin and regulated, so over time, many promotion methods lose their effectiveness. Jackpots today are becoming a non-trivial way to engage the audience, give them new emotions, increase brand loyalty, and increase the influx of regular players.
The jackpot aggregator allows you to use this tool as competently and efficiently as possible.
Jackpot Aggregator is the company’s all-in-one marketing solution designed to reimagine the use of jackpot campaigns and squeeze the most out of them.
If you decide to break into the world of jackpots, we will be happy to help you. Do you want to increase the competitiveness of your brand, increase your profits? Then join the jackpot revolution!
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