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  • Bonus programs of online casinos

    The successful operation of an online casino is made up of various factors, ranging from quality software to player rewards. And if today your business has reached the level of high profitability and popularity, this does not mean that you need to calm down and “rest on your laurels”. The fierce competition in the market and the emergence of new projects in this niche makes you think about finding ways that will ensure a high level of profitability for your brand not only now, but also in the long term.

    We are talking about online casino bonus programs that fully meet your needs today and do not jeopardize the achievement of future goals. This means the integration of each short-term campaign into long-term strategies. Since casino bonuses are one of the signs of brand recognition in the market, it is necessary to start creating them for the future already today.

    We’ve rounded up the best practices for iGaming rewards that have stood the test of time for you.

    Create rewards using player data and testing

    It is important to remember that creating complex and spectacular campaigns is not always a guarantee of success. If they are incomprehensible or unattractive to your player base and target markets, then you can’t count on success.

    To prevent this from happening, it is imperative to segment profiles, that is, divide them into categories and then target a certain set of rewards for each segment of players.

    Use the resulting player data to work for you, and when creating rewards, keep in mind that they must attract and retain customers of your virtual establishment, and bonuses must be provided regularly and at the right time. Only this approach will ensure the effectiveness of the bonus policy of the casino or sports betting.

    How To Create Future-proof iGaming Bonuses

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    Bonuses in cross-selling casinos and online bookmakers

    Casino operators and bookmakers can use cross-promotions to successfully grow their business and meet customer demands. They have a number of undeniable advantages, including:

    • increased customer lifetime value;
    • optimized profitability of your bonus campaigns;
    • a seamless experience for customers across all your verticals.

    Cross-vertical rewards can make a big difference when running a pre-existing casino website or starting a bookmaker, or vice versa. The meaning of this approach is to use an already existing business vertical to move to another.

    Using bonuses to create a balance between attracting and retaining players

    How To Retain iGaming Players With Bonuses

    Of course, it will be good if your rewards are received by the players who need them, and they become more loyal. However, in order to get this result, you first need to attract these players to your iGaming website. Therefore, when a visitor enters the site of a casino or office, a welcome package should appear! When properly configured, this bonus will become the highlight of your website, working to attract new customers.

    You need to work hard on developing an effective bonus campaign strategy to capture the attention of players visiting review sites and forums.

    Important! You need to use affiliate marketing tools that will give you insight into choosing the right iGaming partners that can actually bring you relevant traffic at the right price. In addition, you need to make sure that player acquisition costs are sustainable.

    Having coped with the task of attracting players, it’s time to take measures to retain them. And here, a combination of bonuses with gamification will come to your aid.

    To create a solid first impression of bonus offers, use gamification by offering them meaningful interactions. For example, a challenge from the first day in the form of a tournament or an achievement that needs to be unlocked.

    You can also install badges to complete registration and newsletter subscription, as well as provide the first coins, stars or other loyalty currency offered by the website for the first game, deposit or other actions. As practice shows, such chips have a positive impact on the players.


    Elevate Entertainment with Bonus Gamification

    Gamification tools will help you create and manage iGaming rewards. By leveraging the power of gamification, your bonuses will motivate players internally, such as having fun by solving a challenge or reaching an achievement. This, in turn, will make you want to stay in the game longer.

    Mission Rewards

    При разработке игрового опыта данные о клиентах помогут вам проанализировать и выяснить, какие элементы геймификации наиболее подходят для поощрения желаемого поведения игроков или повышения их лояльности. Кроме того, они могут помочь вам найти слоты, которые лучше работают, когда они интегрированы в турниры или миссии. В любом случае геймификация, разработанная по проверенной схеме и с использованием правильных инструментов, сделает вознаграждение еще более привлекательным.

    Detection of abuse of bonuses and control over them

    Abuse of gambling bonuses

    Cost optimization is a strategic goal for businesses in any industry, including gambling. So, rewarded marketing campaigns will only pay off if they offer a good return on investment.

    This is especially important for operators when they are squeezed on both sides by these two types of costs due to a certain category of players: bonus abusers and especially professional bonus abusers.

    For example, you can set up a bonus campaign that is ideal in terms of attractiveness and brand awareness, which will attract not only new players, but also attackers. However, by taking preventive measures, you can prevent your bonuses from going to waste.

    You should actively look for the classic signs of bonus abuse.

    For a double win, make rewards clear and transparent to inspire trust and loyalty to your brand among real players, and at the same time fight back against bonus abusers.

    The real player enjoys the fun itself and generally doesn’t mind betting that leads to a bonus. While the attacker is not interested in going through many stages to get his bonus. He seeks to simply get a bonus bypassing the conditions according to his own scheme.

    Implement responsible bonuses

    Creating an iGaming business, and in our case an online casino, with a future perspective means that the site must both entertain and protect players. Therefore, you must be sure that the user interface of the gambling site meets all the criteria for attractiveness and security and offers an informed choice with accessible, clear conditions, as well as convenient bonus tools and features.

    Avoid information that may mislead players. It is known that news of a damaged brand’s reputation instantly becomes viral and spreads all over the Internet with the speed of a forest fire. But getting rid of bad reviews will take a very long time.

    You must select and integrate best practices in finding a positive balance between bonuses and player protection. That is, you must ensure user control through easy-to-use processes and transparent information.

    You can cope with the task with the help of special bonus software. Thanks to its flexibility, you can quickly integrate different rules with creative bonuses.

    When using rewards, you can follow these golden rules or create your own.

    The main thing is to have a set of principles and follow them consistently when making any other changes.

    Create perfect rewards

    In order for the online casino bonus program to work successfully now and in the long term, follow the following recommendations:

    Expand the conditions to provide unlimited free spins. Let your players get free spins for different actions: logging in, logging in, starting the game, subscribing, multiple bets, a certain amount of the bet and much more, which will give the classic a new face.

    Regularly monitor bonus management to identify and resolve issues as soon as they occur. Advanced customizable bonus tools will help you to fully control the numerous parameters of the bonus campaign.

    Create interactions based on a personalized approach that the customer segmentation discussed above can provide.

    Control spending and track potentially problematic behavior to quickly identify potential threats to your business that prevent you from getting the most out of your investment.

    You can add your own to this list of rules and adapt them to your casino or bookmaker. However, when building a reward system, you must have a foundation.

    Simplify Reward Management

    Gambling Bonus Management

    If you have the impression that creating and deploying bonus campaigns is becoming more and more difficult, in fact, the task at hand can be solved without any problems with the right settings of the tools used

    It is important to understand that bonuses are products that need to be provided to players, which means that you need a system that will ensure that rewards are delivered to the right person at the right time. With this idea in mind, BonusEngine was created as a central control unit that uses automation and data management to help you chart the course for your bonuses.

    BonusEngine has benefits useful for iGaming operators:

    • Ability to adapt the system to future needs due to its flexible modular architecture;
    • Ability to customize to your business requirements;
    • Centralized management reduces the operational burden and gives a complete overview of all bonus activities;
    • Possibility of detailed customization, easy deployment and thorough analysis of cross-vertical bonuses;
    • Simplified learning of the system due to a common configuration base for various types of bonuses.


    All the elements in the list of best practices for iGaming rewards are geared towards achieving the main goal, creating a process that can stand the test of time.

    Your job is to identify the elements that best apply to your business and build bonuses around them to offer top-notch entertainment to your most valuable players.

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